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Jefferson County CAC - HEAP PIPP

114 N 4th Street, Steubenville, OH 43952

(740) 282-0971

Jefferson County CAC - HEAP PIPP

Utility Assistance

Description of Services

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency. It helps eligible Ohioans pay their home energy bill. The benefit is applied directly to a customer’s utility bill or bulk fuel bill. The amount of the benefit is determined by the number of people in the household, the heating source, and the region of residence.
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is designed to help eligible low-income Ohioans meet the high costs of home heating. HEAP pays a one-time payment for most PUCO regulated utility customers reflecting their usage for the current winter heating season. Vouchers are issued to non-regulated utility customers, mastered-metered and other applicants who do not have a utility bill in their name. Households with elderly or disabled members may qualify for a larger amount of assistance, paid for with a combination of federal and state funds.

A special component of HEAP, the Winter Crisis Program (WCP) is administered by Community Action Agencies (CAA’s) throughout Ohio. The WCP provides assistance once per heating season to eligible households that are disconnected, threatened with disconnection, or have less than a ten-day supply of bulk fuel.

A CAC Outreach Worker will be in the Dillonvale and Amsterdam area’s to take HEAP applications during the winter season.

The HEAP Summer Cooling Program helps all eligible households with their electric bills and provides air conditioners to anyone who has a severe breathing condition.

Appropriate Referrals to HEAP:

Low income, elderly or persons with disabilities, who receive a disconnect notice from their heating utility.

Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP) Program – helps income- eligible Ohioans manage their energy bills year-round. The program allows income-eligible Ohioans to pay their energy bill each month based on a percentage of their income. To be eligible for the program, a client must receive residential, electric or gas service from a company regulated by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO), have a total household income at or below 150% of the FPG, and must apply for all Development Energy Assistance Programs for which they are eligible. A client’s PIPP payment will be set at 10% of the last 30 days of household income for household that heat with electric and 5% for household s with a different heating source. The minimum payment amount is $10.

To schedule an appointment please call 1-740-996-9061.

If this is an EMERGENCY, please call 9-1-1.

© 2023 by ​Jefferson County Resource Network


In partnership with the Jefferson County Educational Service Center and Jefferson County Commissioners

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