Urban Mission Ministries - Education
311 North Sixth Street, Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Employment, education/literacy
Description of Services
Urban Mission Works is an employment readiness and mentoring program for members of the community who experience barriers to employment and looking for a fresh start. We have a three-tiered approach to providing opportunities for participants.
Education: This tier offers life skills courses, self-empowerment courses, and financial foundations courses- all taught by local community members. The Urban Mission partners with local organizations such as the CAC and local community colleges such as EGCC and WVNCC to provide GED classes. Included in the education tier, is the Jobs for Life training program. The education tier of Urban Mission Works is staffed by an education coordinator who is responsible to plan the education program schedule and recruit teachers and speakers to participate. In this tier, supportive services include emergency services such as food and shelter, assistance with benefits, connections to health care resources, clothing, furniture, transportation and recovery programming.
Hands-on Training: This tier provides hands-on training for participants to develop skills and confidence in a supportive work environment. Hands-on training takes place on site at the Urban Mission, community colleges such as EGCC and WVNCC, or through paid internships with our local business partners. Certifications and credentialing are also available. The Training Tier is staffed by a works coordinator who is responsible to ensure each program area is providing meaningful training experiences and trainees are advancing in their vocational goals. In this tier, supportive services include assistance finding affordable housing, transportation and childcare, in addition to the supportive services from Tier One.
Employment and Services: This tier launches participants into the "real world" of employment by offering employment opportunities through an Urban Mission social enterprise such as the Urban Thrift and Opportunity Center, our business partners or employment sought by the individual. The Employment Tier of Urban Mission Works is staffed by an employment coordinator who works closely with each individual to ensure their short-term and long-term success in finding permanent and meaningful employment. In this tier, supportive services may include banking and financial planning support, work clothing, equipment and supplies, in addition to the supportive services from Tier One and Tier Two.